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Welcome to the New York DWI Journal

Often times when someone finds out that I am a criminal defense paralegal working for a firm that specializes in drug and alcohol related traffic offenses, they are taken aback. They almost always ask, “how?”. Not as in how I perform the technical aspects of my job, but rather how it is that I can morally stand to help “them”. Them, intended to mean criminals, morally devoid monsters. Of course, I have a standard, light-hearted response that I give, but, the truth is that I don’t blame anyone for having such a reaction. Before I became involved in this profession, I might have had a like reaction, similarly believing that drunk and impaired drivers are all selfish drunkards not caring that they are putting others at risk.

How can we not have these reactions when we all see the same headlines, we all hear of the drunk drivers that cause fatal accidents. We all hear from the victims and their families, we all hear the heartbreaking sound bites that head the top of the five o’clock hour. I get it.

However, for the past two years I have also gotten to know the “other” side of the story. I have had the pleasure of helping some of the most intelligent, kind, caring individuals I have ever met. I am not faced with the underbellies of society purposely achieving inebriation with the intention of plowing down roadways.

I am meeting with teachers, doctors, college students, and retirees. I am meeting with the person you smile and nod to in the aisle of Wegmans. I am meeting with the neighbor that took care of your pets and watered your plants while you were out of town. I am meeting with your future neonatal nurse. I am meeting with your daughter’s piano teacher. I am meeting with you.

I have found that the majority of our clients are good hearted people that have made a mistake or have found themselves in an unfair situation. Almost every individual that comes through our doors is first and foremost grateful they didn’t hurt anyone, second they feel humiliated and ashamed, and finally, they are concerned and humbled by the consequences they face within the criminal justice system.

With that in mind, this is not a blog that is meant to condone impaired driving of any kind, nor is it aimed at shaming anyone who is faced with a charge thereof. This blog is simply meant to be there for you. To keep you informed of updates related to applicable laws and DMV regulations, to keep aware of any relevant news, and to be a source of comfort when you are feeling overwhelmed and ostracized by a legal battle you are facing.

At Wisner & Wisner, LLP we care about you, we care about your driving privileges, and we care about the outcome of your case. We are committed with providing you with the best defense allowed under the law. We will be with you every step of the way and hope that this blog can help you find some comfort during a difficult time.


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